Industry And Industrialization Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 11

A major cause of the slow pace of industrialization in Nigeria is inadequate

jamb 2004

  • A. raw materials
  • B. landmass
  • C. skilled labour
  • D. communal labour
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Question 12

Localization of industries refers to the

jamb 2010

  • A. spread of firms producing different products
  • B. siting of industries near the market
  • C. concentration of firms of an industry
  • D. siting of firms producing different products
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Question 13

A disadvantage of concentrating industries in an area is that it could?

jamb 2001

  • A. lead to conclusion among the firms
  • B. result in evironmental pollution
  • C. bring about diseconomies of scale
  • D. increase the cost of production
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Question 14

The consumer-goods industry is predominant in the industrial sector of the Nigerian economy because of the?

jamb 1992

  • A. availability of market and most of the raw materials required
  • B. availability of the necessary machinery required
  • C. experience of Nigerian producers
  • D. relatively lower cost of production of such goods
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Question 15

Labour-intensive strategy of industrialization emphasizes the use of?

jamb 1994

  • A. steam energy in the process of production
  • B. manual method of production
  • C. synthetic raw materials
  • D. hydro-electric power
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