Meaning And Scope Of Economic Growth And Development Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

Economic growth is different from economic development because economic growth

jamb 2020

  • A. describes expansion and changes
  • B. is measurable but not objective
  • C. describes expansion and not change
  • D. is not measurable but objective
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Question 2

A good measure of the standard of living usually used for international comparison is_______

jamb 2021

  • A. Per capita income (PCI)
  • B. Gross national product (GND)
  • C. Net national income (NNI)
  • D. Gross domestic product (GDP)
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Question 3

A continuous increase in national income accompanied by the structural transformation of all indices is called

jamb 2007

  • A. economic planning
  • B. economic growth
  • C. economic reforms
  • D. economic development
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Question 4

A good indicator of economic development is an increase in

jamb 2008

  • A. gross national product
  • B. per capital income
  • C. real national income
  • D. real per capital income
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Question 5

If a country's national income increased from N1000 billion over a period of 2 years, what was the average annual rate of growth of national income over the period?

jamb 1998

  • A. 5%
  • B. 15%
  • C. 20%
  • D. 100%
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