Jamb Geography Past Questions

Question 6

The current world population is estimated at about

jamb 2015

  • A. 2.0 billion
  • B. 7.0 billion
  • C. 6 .0 billion
  • D. 4.0 billion
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Question 7

tall trees with buttress root are associated with -----------

jamb 2015

  • A. rain forest
  • B. guinea savanna
  • C. Sudan savanna
  • D. Sahel savanna
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Question 8

population growth rate may be define as the

jamb 2015

  • A. mortality rate per unit area over a period
  • B. number of times an organism occurs with a given period
  • C. number of particular species per units area
  • D. net rate of mortality rate per unit area over a period
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Question 9

Tropical rain forest can be conserved by the following practices except

jamb 2015

  • A. agroforestry
  • B. deforestation
  • C. shifting
  • D. crop rotation
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Question 10

in a food chain, the position occupied by an organism is called

jamb 2015

  • A. the tropic level
  • B. energy level
  • C. the feeding level
  • D. the habitat level
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