Jamb Geography Past Questions For Year 1990

Question 36

Africa has the largest potential for hydro-electric power generation in the world because?

jamb 1990

  • A. it is a large continent
  • B. it has a high annual rainfall
  • C. it rivers have many falls
  • D. the rivers flow over extensive areas
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Question 37

Which of the following statement is TRUE of the industrial areas of West Africa?

jamb 1990

  • A. They are located mostly around the ports and along the railway lines
  • B. the concentrate more on capital goods than on the manufacture of consumer goods
  • C. They are located mainly around the sources of energy
  • D. They are evenly distributed within each country
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Question 38

The most common type of intensive livestock breeding found around most Nigerian cities is farming?

jamb 1990

  • A. dairy farming
  • B. cattle ranching
  • C. poultry farming
  • D. fish farming
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Question 39

The main reason for importing crude for the Kaduna refinery is to produce?

jamb 1990

  • A. kerosene
  • B. gas
  • C. lubricants
  • D. insecticides
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Question 40

The shaba Province in Zaire is noted for producing copper and?

jamb 1990

  • A. silver
  • B. lead
  • C. gold
  • D. uranium
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