Jamb Geography Past Questions For Year 1991

Question 1

Which of the following reasons BEST explains why African rivers are not very navigable?

jamb 1991

  • A. Low volume of water in the rivers
  • B. Most of the rivers are too short
  • C. Most of the river courses are interrupted by rapids
  • D. The rivers are mostly seasonal
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Question 2

There are more settlements to the south because the

jamb 1991

  • A. Land to the north being more fertile is reserved for farming
  • B. Areas to the north are liable to flooding
  • C. Terrain to the south is less rugged
  • D. North is more prone to river blindness
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Question 3

The length Owa River from its source to where it terminates in the area mapped is?

jamb 1991

  • A. 19km
  • B. 20km
  • C. 23km
  • D. 25km
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Question 4

The highest point in the area lies above

jamb 1991

  • A. 300m
  • B. 325m
  • C. 350m
  • D. 375m
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Question 5

One of the places noted for irrigation agriculture in Africa is the

jamb 1991

  • A. Southern part of Sudan
  • B. Ghezira Plains
  • C. Great Rift Valley
  • D. The Zaire Basin
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