Jamb Geography Past Questions For Year 1994

Question 1

The relative relief of the area is slightly above

jamb 1994

  • A. 75m
  • B. 105m
  • C. 485m
  • D. 575m
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Question 2

The length of the main road from Robo junction to Oseb junction is approximately

jamb 1994

  • A. 6.5km
  • B. 7.5km
  • C. 8.5km
  • D. 9.5km
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Question 3

The annual range of temperature as shown in the graph is approximately

jamb 1994

  • A. 4oC
  • B. 8oC
  • C. 24oC
  • D. 28oC
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Question 4

What climatic type is illustrated in the graph?

jamb 1994

  • A. Montane
  • B. Equatorial
  • C. Mediterranean
  • D. Monsoon
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Question 5

The roads in the area run mainly along

jamb 1994

  • A. Steep slopes
  • B. Hilltops
  • C. Gentle slopes
  • D. Watersheds
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