Drama Jamb Literature In English Past Questions

Question 1

No. no! Do not blame the gods. Let no one blame the powers. My people, learn from my fall.

The powers would have failed if I did not let them use me. They knew my weakness: the weakness of a man easily moved to the defence of his tribe against others.'

O.Rotimi: The Gods are not to Blame.

The speaker in the passage is

jamb 2016

  • A. reckless
  • B. insane
  • C. a coward
  • D. a hero
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Question 2

Drama is the representation of a complete series of actions by means of _________

jamb 2018

  • A. movement and gesture for the screen and audience
  • B. speech, movement and gesture for the stage only
  • C. speech, movement and gesture for the stage, screen and radio
  • D. speech, gesture and movement for the screen and radio
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Question 3

From the novel; Othello

The question is based on William’s Shakespeare's OTHELLO

"O heaven; How got she out?

O treason of the blood!

Father; from hence trust not your daughters' minds

By what you see them act. Is there not charms

By which the property of youth and maid-hood

May be abused?

The speaker of the excerpt above is________

jamb 2018

  • A. Brabantio
  • B. Othello
  • C. Gratiano
  • D. Roderigo
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Question 4

From the novel; Othello

The question is based on William’s Shakespeare’s OTHELLO

"Soft you; a word or two before you go. I have done the state some service and they knew’ No more of

jamb 2018

  • A. Travelling
  • B. Sick
  • C. Dying
  • D. Eloping
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Question 5

A “chapter” in a piece of drama is a

jamb 2018

  • A. act
  • B. scene
  • C. setting
  • D. dialogue
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