Jamb Biology Past Questions For Year 2016

Question 11

The largest amount of yolk is found in the egg of

jamb 2016

  • A. amphibians
  • B. pisces
  • C. repitles
  • D. aves
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Question 12

If the cross of a red-flowered plant with a white flowered plant produces a pink flowered plant, this is an example of

jamb 2016

  • A. codominance
  • B. incomplete dominance
  • C. mutation
  • D. linkage
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Question 13

The movement of blood between the heart and all other parts of the body besides the lung is known as

jamb 2016

  • A. systemic circulation
  • B. closed circulatory system
  • C. pulmonary circulation
  • D. single circulation system
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Question 14

Which of the following animals has homodont dentition?

jamb 2016

  • A. Rat
  • B. Man
  • C. Lizard
  • D. Pigeon
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Question 15

The importance of the mouth-brooding behaviour in Tilapia is that it

jamb 2016

  • A. helps in keeping the young fish warm
  • B. affords protection from predation for the young fish
  • C. helps the fish to live in a social group
  • D. provides regurgitated nourishment to the young fish
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