Jamb Biology Past Questions For Year 2016

Question 21

The theory of use and disuse of organs was promulgated by

jamb 2016

  • A. Alfred Wallace
  • B. Charles Darwin
  • C. Jean Lamarck
  • D. Robert Hook
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Question 22

A collection of population of all living organisms that exist in a habitat is referred to as

jamb 2016

  • A. niche
  • B. ecosystem
  • C. community
  • D. environment
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Question 23

The micro-organisms that causes Typhoid disease is

jamb 2016

  • A. trypanosome gambiense
  • B. Salmonella typhi
  • C. entamoeba histolytica
  • D. plasmodium sp
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Question 24

The type of asexual reproduction that is common to both Paramecium and Protists is

jamb 2016

  • A. fragmentation
  • B. budding
  • C. sporulation
  • D. fission
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Question 25

The activity of ptyalin is likely to decrease with an increase in the concentration of

jamb 2016

  • A. oxygen
  • B. starch
  • C. protein
  • D. acid
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