Jamb Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions For Year 1984

Question 1

Joshua was appointed to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land because

jamb 1984

  • A. Moses was too old to lead them there
  • B. the israelites preffered Joshua to Moses
  • C. Moses rebellion in the wilderness of Zin
  • D. he was a powerful soldier
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Question 2

For rebellion against Moses and God, the Israelites were bitten by the fiery snakes. The cure for the snake bites was

jamb 1984

  • A. a drink of the water from the rock
  • B. anointing the affected part of the body with oil
  • C. to call on the name of Yahweh
  • D. a herbal preparation by Aaron
  • E. a look at the bronze serpent
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Question 3

Identify the INCORRECT option. The Israelites were instructed to eat the passover.

jamb 1984

  • A. girded with loins
  • B. with shoes on feet
  • C. with staff in hand
  • D. raw
  • E. remnants the following morning
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Question 4

David's first reaction after he had been rebuked by God through the prophet Nathan for his sin against Uriah and with Uriah's wife was to

jamb 1984

  • A. beg for forgiveness
  • B. plead with God to preserve the life of his child by Uriah's wife
  • C. request that the punishment threatened by God would not come to pass
  • D. ask Nathan to beg Uriah's wife to pardon him
  • E. simply wait for whatever God would bring on him
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Question 5

'I repent that I made Saul king'. What incident does this refer to?

jamb 1984

  • A. the anointing of Saul
  • B. when Saul failed to pray
  • C. during Saul's encounter with the Ammonites
  • D. when Saul was offering sacrifice to God
  • E. when Saul disobeyed God over an Amalek
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