Jamb Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions For Year 1984

Question 11

God pronounced utter destruction on the Amalekites because

jamb 1984

  • A. they were hostile to the Kenites who lived among them
  • B. they were hostile neighbours of Israel like the Philistines
  • C. Saul desired to acquire the Amalekite territory
  • D. they apposed Israel on their way from Egypt to the Promised Land
  • E. God wanted to wipe out every element of Baal worship in Canaan
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Question 12

Hannah prayed to God at Shiloh for a son because

jamb 1984

  • A. Elkanah hated her for being barren
  • B. Peninnah provoked her sorely
  • C. she had sinned against the Lord
  • D. she had only daughters
  • E. she wanted her son to succeed Eli
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Question 13

'If he (Baal) is a god, let him contend for himself because his altar has been pulled down'. Who pulled down the altar?

jamb 1984

  • A. Moses
  • B. Joshua
  • C. Gideon
  • D. Samson
  • E. Joash
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Question 14

The prophet who proclaimed a new covenant of God with Israel and Judah was

jamb 1984

  • A. Ezekiel
  • B. Jeremiah
  • C. Hosea
  • D. Micah
  • E. Haggai
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Question 15

Which prophet gave this cry? 'Woe is me! for I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips'.

jamb 1984

  • A. Hosea
  • B. Jeremiah
  • C. Isaiah
  • D. Amos
  • E. Haggai
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