Jamb Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions For Year 2008

Question 26

According to Luke, the Last Super took place

jamb 2008

  • A. on Mount Olive
  • B. in Jerusalem
  • C. in Jordan
  • D. in Bethlehem
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Question 27

'''...And in the last days it shall be God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh...'''

Peter quoted the statement above from the prophecy of

jamb 2008

  • A. Ezekiel
  • B. Joel
  • C. Jeremiah
  • D. Isaiah
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Question 28

Jesus was at the wedding in Cana of Galilee because

jamb 2008

  • A. He wanted to demonstrate His power
  • B. He was invited to the ceremony
  • C. the groom was His relation
  • D. His disciples were there
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Question 29

'''Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved'''

The statement above by some men from Judea necessitated the convening of the

jamb 2008

  • A. church in Jerusalem
  • B. council of elders
  • C. church in Judea
  • D. council in Jerusalem
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Question 30

In story of the Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah represented the

jamb 2008

  • A. Law and the prophets
  • B. glory of God
  • C. Old Testament saints
  • D. end of the age
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