Jamb Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions For Year 2008

Question 31

The first person that revealed to Eli the evil that would come to his home was

jamb 2008

  • A. Joel
  • B. a man of God
  • C. Samuel
  • D. a prophet from Shiloh
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Question 32

The rainbow as the sign of God's covenant with Noah implies

jamb 2008

  • A. providence
  • B. reconcillation
  • C. mercy
  • D. redemption
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Question 33

''''Seek out for me a woman who is a medium that I may go to her and inquire of her.''

Saul made the statement above when he was confronted by the

jamb 2008

  • A. Philistines
  • B. Ammonites
  • C. Amalakites
  • D. Moabites
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Question 34

'''I will go out as at other times, and shake myself free.''

When Samson made the statement above, he was not aware that

jamb 2008

  • A. the Philistines were upon him
  • B. he was bound with bronze fetters
  • C. the LORD had left him
  • D. his eyes had been gouged out
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Question 35

In the mission of the seventy, Jesus told them that they were being sent out as sheep among wolves, implying that they would

jamb 2008

  • A. be sent to live among wolves
  • B. be as meek as sheep
  • C. be properly equipped for the mission
  • D. encounter difficulties
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