Jamb Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions For Year 1984

Question 41

When Paul arrived in the Rome, the people he first addressed were

jamb 1984

  • A. the local leaders of the Jews
  • B. the early Roman Christians
  • C. the Roman soldiers who were guarding him
  • D. the pagans whom he wanted to convert
  • E. Apollos and his followers who were expecting his arrival
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Question 42

Which ruler said this in the course of Paul's defence? 'In a short time you think to make me a Chrisatian

jamb 1984

  • A. Festus
  • B. Agrippa
  • C. Herod
  • D. Caiaphas
  • E. Pilate
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Question 43

The seven deacons were appointed to

jamb 1984

  • A. conduct a mission to the Gentiles
  • B. replace the twelve
  • C. lead the church in Jereusalem
  • D. help in the distribution of food
  • E. preach the gospel
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Question 44

The three sons of Noah were Shem, Ham and

jamb 1984

  • A. Lot
  • B. Hirah
  • C. Cain
  • D. Japheth
  • E. Eber
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Question 45

.......I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments'. This statement was made by God when

jamb 1984

  • A. He gave the ten commandments to Moses
  • B. the Israelites disobeyed God's commands
  • C. the family of Aaron was elected to the priesthood
  • D. he commanded Moses to go to meet Pharoah
  • E. the Israelites had settled in the Promised Land
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