Jamb Economics Past Questions For Year 1993

Question 41

The GDP of Nigeria will be greater than her GNP if?

jamb 1993

  • A. the value of goods and services to Nigeria is greater than the value of those from Nigeria
  • B. consumption is greater than investment
  • C. government expenditures are greater than the foreign aid received
  • D. the value of goods and services produced by Nigeria businesses abroad is greater than that of foreign businesses in Nigeria
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Question 42

The best index for international comparison of standards of living is the?

jamb 1993

  • A. gross national product
  • B. net national income
  • C. per capita income
  • D. gross national income
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Question 43

According to the income approach to national income measurement, the national income of a country is equal to?

jamb 1993

  • A. the value of all output produced in the country over the relevant period of time at market prices
  • B. the value of output at factors cost
  • C. the value added to production
  • D. C +I + G
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Question 44

Which of the following are the major disadvantage of direct system of taxation?i, Disincentive of hard work

ii,Difficulties in assessment and collection

iii, imperfection in tax assessment.

jamb 1993

  • A. i and ii
  • B. i and iii
  • C. ii and iii
  • D. i, ii and iii
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Question 45

Tariff on imports are meant to?

jamb 1993

  • A. prevent a foreign goods
  • B. discourage exports
  • C. encourage exports
  • D. increase the level of external dependency
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