Jamb Geography Past Questions For Year 1993

Question 11

The variation in the volume of water in a river over time is known as its?

jamb 1993

  • A. regime
  • B. discharge
  • C. fluctuation
  • D. velocity
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Question 12

A layer of very fine wind-deposited sand and silt is known as?

jamb 1993

  • A. loess
  • B. barchan
  • C. seif
  • D. bajada
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Question 13

Which of the following pairs of longitudes forms a Great Circle?

jamb 1993

  • A. 60°E and 140°E
  • B. 40°W and 140°E
  • C. 20°W and 160°W
  • D. 10°E and 180°
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Question 14

Which of the following explains the variation in the lengths of day and night with the seasons?

jamb 1993

  • A. Earth's rotation on its axis
  • B. Earth's revolution along its orbit
  • C. The inclination of the earth
  • D. the sperical shape of the earth
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Question 15

On September 23 each year, the earth experiences the?

jamb 1993

  • A. summer solstice
  • B. autumnal equinox
  • C. winter solstice
  • D. vernal equinox
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