Waec Biology Past Questions

Question 1

In the F1 generation of Mendel’s experiment obtained by crossing pea plants of long stems with those of short stems,

What was his observation?

waec 2004

  • A. some were short while others were long
  • B. all were long
  • C. half of them were long while half were short
  • D. three-quarters were long while one quarter were short,
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Question 2

Which of the following adaptation is no found in fruits and seeds dispersed by the win '?

waec 2005

  • A. Small and light body
  • B. Spongy coats
  • C. Turfs of hairs
  • D. Wings on pericarp
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Question 3

A mayor difference between plants and animals is that

waec 2005

  • A. there is free movement in animals while this is limited in plants
  • B. there is indefinite growth in animals only
  • C. animals consume inorganic materials as food, while plants consume organic materials
  • D. animals give up carbon-dioxide as a waste product of respiration while plants do not.
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Question 4

A virus can sometimes be regarded as a living organism because it

waec 2005

  • A. causes disease in plants and animals
  • B. exists in a variety of shapes
  • C. reproduces in living cells
  • D. is easily visible with the aid of an electron microscope
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Question 5

The group mollusca is characterized by the presence of

waec 2005

  • A. jointed appendages
  • B. star-shaped bodies
  • C. backbones
  • D. Soft, non-segmented
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