Jamb Geography Past Questions For Year 1995

Question 21

Which of the following statements distinguishes Koppen's Am from his Af climate?

jamb 1995

  • A. Rainfall greater than 2000mm
  • B. Location of the tropics
  • C. very short dry season
  • D. Shorter frost season
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Question 22

Two cloud types of great vertical extent that produce much rainfall are?

jamb 1995

  • A. cumulus and stratus
  • B. cumulus and cumulo-nimbus
  • C. cumulo-nimbus and nimbostratus
  • D. strato-cumulus and nimbo-stratus
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Question 23

Which of the following regions has low population density?

jamb 1995

  • A. The Nile Basin
  • B. The Ganges Basin
  • C. North Eastern U.S.A
  • D. The Zarie Basin
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Question 24

The portion of the earth that contains life is the?

jamb 1995

  • A. atmosphere
  • B. hydrosphere
  • C. lithosphere
  • D. biosphere
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Question 25

Tropical rain forest are important to the functioning of the earth's environment because they are large reservoirs of?

jamb 1995

  • A. oxygen, mositure and biodiversity
  • B. timber, wildlife and virgin soils
  • C. water, energy and mineral resources
  • D. food, fibre and medicinal plants
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