Jamb Geography Past Questions For Year 1995

Question 26

A tropical tree that is often grown in pure stands is the?

jamb 1995

  • A. mahogany
  • B. teak
  • C. ebony
  • D. ironwood
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Question 27

Which of the following characteristics clearly distinguishes a mature soil from a juvenile one?

jamb 1995

  • A. Sand fraction greater than 50%
  • B. Low nitrogen content
  • C. Well-developed profile
  • D. Soil pH-value of approximately 6.5
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Question 28

Cattle are sent from the Great Plains of U.S.A for fattening and sale in the?

jamb 1995

  • A. corn belt
  • B. wheat belt
  • C. industrial North East
  • D. South East
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Question 29

Malaysia, Bolivia and Nigeria are noted for the production of?

jamb 1995

  • A. coal
  • B. natural gas
  • C. petroleum
  • D. tin
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Question 30

A settlement located at a place on a plain where several roads meet is likely to be nucleated and?

jamb 1995

  • A. star-shaped
  • B. circular
  • C. linear
  • D. rectangular
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