Jamb Geography Past Questions For Year 1995

Question 31

A city may be differentiated from a rural settlement by considering its?

jamb 1995

  • A. population size and age structure
  • B. skilled and unskilled manpower
  • C. population and functions
  • D. road network and industral estates
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Question 32

One of the tertiary services in an urban centre is?

jamb 1995

  • A. food processing
  • B. petrol retailing
  • C. car assembling
  • D. market gardening
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Question 33

The main commodities shipped on the trans-Pacific Sea route include?

jamb 1995

  • A. wheat and iron ore
  • B. manufactured goods and crude oil
  • C. crude oil and coal
  • D. wheat and manufactured goods
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Question 34

The world's leading entrepots include?

jamb 1995

  • A. Panama, Gilbraltar and Suez
  • B. New York, Calais and Harmburg
  • C. Bombay. Syndey and Rio de Janeiro
  • D. Hong Kong, London and Rotterdam
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Question 35

In what order do the following occur from the surface to the bottom of an oil well?

jamb 1995

  • A. Oil, water, gas
  • B. Gas, oil, water
  • C. Oil, gas, water
  • D. Gas, water, oil
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