Waec Chemistry Past Questions For Year 2002

Question 26

The gas given off when NH4 Cl is heated with an alkali is

waec 2002

  • A. H2
  • B. Cl2
  • C. N2
  • D. NH3
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Question 27

Equal amounts of marble chips are reacted separately with 100cm3 of hydrochloric acid of different concentrations. If all the marble chips reacted; which of the following remained the same in each case?

waec 2002

  • A. Average rate of evoluton of gas
  • B. Total mass of gas evolved during the reaction
  • C. Time taken for the reaction to reach completion
  • D. Initial reaction rates
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Question 28

What is the expression for the equilibrium constant (Kc) for the following reaction? N2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2NO(g)

waec 2002

  • A. \(\frac{[NO^2]}{[N^2] + [O^2]}\)
  • B. \(\frac{[2NO]^2}{[N_2][O_2]}\)
  • C. \(\frac{[N_2] + [O_2]}{2[NO]^2}\)
  • D. \(\frac{[NO]^2}{[N_2][O^2]}\)
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Question 29

What will happen if more heat is applied to the following system at equilibrium?

X\(_2\)(g) + 3Y\(_2\)(g) ⇌ 2XY\(_3\)(g); ∆H = xKJmol\(^{-1}\)

waec 2002

  • A. the yield of XY 3 will decompose
  • B. more of XY3 will decompose
  • C. More of X2 will react
  • D. the forward reaction will remain static
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Question 30

Which of the following salt solutions will have a pH greater than 7?

waec 2002

  • A. NaCI(aq)
  • B. Na2CO3(aq)
  • C. Na2SO4(aq)
  • D. NaHSO4(aq)
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