Waec Chemistry Past Questions For Year 1992

Question 1

Methanol is obtained from wood by

waec 1992

  • A. esterification
  • B. bacterial decomposition
  • C. combustion
  • D. fractional distillation
  • E. destructive distillation
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Question 2

The maximum number of electrons that can accommodated in the shell having the principal quantum number 3 is

waec 1992

  • A. 3
  • B. 9
  • C. 10
  • D. 18
  • E. 32
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Question 3

When steam is passed over white-hot coke, the products are

waec 1992

  • A. carbon (IV) oxide and nitrogen
  • B. carbon (II) oxide and hydrogen
  • C. carbon (ll) oxide and nitrogen
  • D. carbon (lV) oxide and steam
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Question 4

The reactions ethyne are mainly

waec 1992

  • A. substitution reactions
  • B. addition reactions
  • C. addition polymerization
  • D. catalytic hydrogenation
  • E. catalytic halogenation
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Question 5

The following acids are monobasic except

waec 1992

  • A. methanoic acid
  • B. dioxonitrate lll acid
  • C. ethanedioic acid
  • D. oxochlorate (l) acid
  • E. hydrobromic acid
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