Waec Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions

Question 1591

Paul in Romans,taught that man was justified by his

waec 2002

  • A. religious outlook
  • B. self-righteousness
  • C. good deeds
  • D. faith in Jesus Christ
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Question 1592

St. Paul's belief in the reality of the Resurrection makes him assert that if there were no resurrection then

waec 2002

  • A. Christians should get their heads examined
  • B. Christians' faith is in vain
  • C. unbelivers who have died have perished
  • D. Christians should not be pitied for their faith
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Question 1593

According to Paul in Galatians, adoption of Christians as children of God came by stages which excludes

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  • A. coming of Jesus to redeem those under the law
  • B. inevitable period of custodianship under the law
  • C. the indwelling of the spirit of the son in our hearts
  • D. final acceptance as true sons, no longer slaves
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Question 1594

Which of the following did not feature in James' teaching on faith without works?

waec 2002

  • A. Abraham's willingness to offer his only son to God
  • B. Rahab's handling of the two spies
  • C. The belief by the demons that there is one God
  • D. presenting sin offerings to God
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Question 1595

James in his epistle, says that true religion is

waec 2002

  • A. hearing the word of God
  • B. preaching the word of God
  • C. observing one's face in the mirror
  • D. visiting orphans and widows and keeping oneself pure
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