Waec Islamic Religious Knowledge Past Questions For Year 2012

Question 11

The supplication in the Ruku posture is

waec 2012

  • A. Subhana Rabiyal-A'la
  • B. Subhana liah Walhmd lilah
  • C. Subhana Rabbika Rabbil'izzah
  • D. Subhana Rabbiyal Azim
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Question 12

Suratul Baqarah (Q2:195) admonishes human kind against

waec 2012

  • A. corruption
  • B. Drug addiction
  • C. fornication
  • D. Extravagance
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Question 13

Islam first came in west Africa through

waec 2012

  • A. Scholar
  • B. pilgrim
  • C. traders
  • D. jihadist
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Question 14

Visiting the prophet (S.A.W) mosque in Madinah before after the performance of Hajj is

waec 2012

  • A. Makrub
  • B. mandub
  • C. Mubah
  • D. mubatilat
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Question 15

Prophet muhammed was called Al-amin because he was

waec 2012

  • A. Posthumous child
  • B. Memorizer of the Qur'an
  • C. Messenger of Allah
  • D. trustworthy person
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